jueves, 13 de octubre de 2011

Production Journal. Moonlight Productions..

In the documental we had to make many changes to get to our final project. We had included three B.Rolls, which where gotten from youtube. For making this action, I had to download a specific program which only works in Moxila Firefox. This program is called Download Helper, which is for downloading videos or music from the internet without problems and this was very helpful for us. So once we had this videos downloaded, I send all of those to Honorio for adding them into the final project. From the other side, Santos had done all the subtitles in English and in Spanish, and Honorio had plotted everything in and also had added its names. Before all this, we had also analyzed every single part of the video, for making good corrections, we adjusted the sound, added one non-copyright song which is a very good one for the case, because creates mystery and an atmosphere of darkness.  
We have to make some more changes, because we noticed that there is one b roll included which is very long at the beginning.

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