lunes, 30 de mayo de 2011

Eden Lake

At the beginning of the film, there is peace and happiness, because the main character, in this case, the girl, is a teacher from young kids. And they are very cute, and that day is Friday, so it’s the starting of weekends and his boyfriend waits for her on his car with a wedding ring. So as this first part passes, everything goes good, and they start their driving up to a little town in the outs of the city. When they are in the motorway, it turns all darkness and night, and here comes the hard part from the opening.  

Eden Lake - Textual analysis; Monday 30th May

In this movie, the jump cut, takes you from one part different from the other one with the same shot being showed. So you may determine that you have lost some part of it and that maybe later in some part of the film it will be showned.

miércoles, 11 de mayo de 2011

Scream Opening


2. Black screen. Superimpose with special effects the title when the film begins.
3. Theres a close up shot to the phone ringing and the hand of the blondee girl getting the phone.
Theres INT.Girls House-Night