(Private detective in his office (black overcoat, black suit, EVERYTHING BLACK AND GREY)
(Walks over to cigar box and pulls one out, starts to smell it ect.)
(When about to light it, secretary comes in saying that there is a woman that wants to see him...)
Setting: Downtown Chicago.
Secretary: Max, you have a visitor...
Max: Well let her through darling.
Juliet: (walks to the door, and lets the person through the door) Good morning, Detective.
Max: how do you do, my lady
Juliet: im in troubled moments
Max: Well tell me darling, my services are available to for your needs.
Juliet: Well, .... (She seems nervous or trying to think something up.) im in a bit of heat, you see last week I went out one day
miércoles, 23 de noviembre de 2011
viernes, 21 de octubre de 2011
Brad Pitt and MM
By one hand the Marlboro Man, is alone but not lonely man which lives in a peaceful place working hard. He is a cowboy from the old fashion mode. He has no worries and at the same times a really good style of life and very attractive one. By the other hand, we have a really different character from the most modern world which is not alone, he take pictures and have fun with girls. He is cool in other words. Both of them are selling something good for fashion, mostly in young children, this is very convincing for the young people because they want to be like him and this influences very much in their lives. They sell this things in a really different way, Brad is taunting the other man by taking photos with the beautiful girl and makes him be stronger in the same way which the Marlboro man shows power, but doing different things with different points of view in life.
In the Se7en movie, from the scene we have just seen, where they are starting to have a better relation or maybe to know more about each other, Brad Pitt when he enters into his house, he goes first to hug his dogs and play with them as if they where part of his family. So this gives him a better good looking in the sense of good man.
In the Se7en movie, from the scene we have just seen, where they are starting to have a better relation or maybe to know more about each other, Brad Pitt when he enters into his house, he goes first to hug his dogs and play with them as if they where part of his family. So this gives him a better good looking in the sense of good man.
lunes, 17 de octubre de 2011
The genre in this film has many topics which include: "a mix of taut thriller, engaging mystery, and gruesome horror show”.
In the elements of horror, there can be included the mystery, and the deaths of the people. For example in the first crime, which was on Monday, the first victim was a fat guy which was forced to eat until his stomach bursts. This is a good example where the disgusting and scary part comes. We do not see the act, but we can imagine it through the crime scene and what the characters say.
jueves, 13 de octubre de 2011
Production Journal. Moonlight Productions..
In the documental we had to make many changes to get to our final project. We had included three B.Rolls, which where gotten from youtube. For making this action, I had to download a specific program which only works in Moxila Firefox. This program is called Download Helper, which is for downloading videos or music from the internet without problems and this was very helpful for us. So once we had this videos downloaded, I send all of those to Honorio for adding them into the final project. From the other side, Santos had done all the subtitles in English and in Spanish, and Honorio had plotted everything in and also had added its names. Before all this, we had also analyzed every single part of the video, for making good corrections, we adjusted the sound, added one non-copyright song which is a very good one for the case, because creates mystery and an atmosphere of darkness.
We have to make some more changes, because we noticed that there is one b roll included which is very long at the beginning.
We have to make some more changes, because we noticed that there is one b roll included which is very long at the beginning.
lunes, 3 de octubre de 2011
Noir convention in se7en
Noir elements of opening:
-colorless (dark ambient/atmosphere had been created, because of the urban/city decay) Lighting contrast.
-Part of police office (Building) Dutch long shot angle
-The crimes where situated in the city, where very satanic and also had to do with the literature.
-There was digestive sound, and they convey to the situations. The sound is always creating a sense of mystery and also in the movie, is always in the night or dark places. Most of the times, it is raining.
-The appearance of the paparazzis, people who investigate the case in addition to them.
-The movie has good effects, as for example when the character puts his glasses on, the view changes, this gives the viewer a sense of being the the character and getting in more involved in his role.
-colorless (dark ambient/atmosphere had been created, because of the urban/city decay) Lighting contrast.
-Part of police office (Building) Dutch long shot angle
-The crimes where situated in the city, where very satanic and also had to do with the literature.
-There was digestive sound, and they convey to the situations. The sound is always creating a sense of mystery and also in the movie, is always in the night or dark places. Most of the times, it is raining.
-The appearance of the paparazzis, people who investigate the case in addition to them.
-The movie has good effects, as for example when the character puts his glasses on, the view changes, this gives the viewer a sense of being the the character and getting in more involved in his role.
lunes, 12 de septiembre de 2011
Textual analysis - Pulp Fiction
Blog of notes:
presentation of characters
camera angles, shots and movement
editing and sequencing
lighting, shade and colour
location and set design
genre conventions
target audience of the film
In the narrative, there had been uses of drugs, and also this gets more involved in with the private life of the main character.
the characters are outcast from the society, because they are non-normal people.
Extremme close ups,when they want to show the facial expressions from the drug´s effect. Theres also slow motion from his face being smiling.
The music is a good component to the situation, overall in the last shot when the character is smiling.
Theres a good effect of light, when the character is being affected, also when he buys the drugs, both of them are perfectly lighted.
They are in the poor society, because of the things they sell, also the other characters, with the pirciengs and all that, they show what kind of person´s they are.
Task 2:
Convenctions¨ Gangster/crime films are usually set in large, crowded cities, to provide a view of the secret world of the criminal: dark nightclubs or streets with lurid neon signs, fast cars, piles of cash, sleazy bars, contraband, seedy living quarters or rooming houses.¨ This is one of the rules that the convenctions should follow, and in this case, it does, because there are gangsters in this film, also dark night clubs, drugs and crimes, the sell of illegal stuf, like drugs.
lunes, 5 de septiembre de 2011
Production Journal.
Last week, Santos started analysing all the videos, for making the subtitles. This was for remarking all the most important speech from the people which we had interviewed. He remarked the part from all the videos where we had asked the same question for every people, thinking in the future for the editing of the film, also for having one idea. Honorio had visited one police man, in the football fields, where he went on saturday and did a great job. So me and him, had analysed some footage from the video which we thought was important in addition to Santo´s work.
So in conclusion we have a long way on for making this film, and we are going in the good way to a good fillm.
So in conclusion we have a long way on for making this film, and we are going in the good way to a good fillm.
lunes, 29 de agosto de 2011
Producion Journal.
On monday the 22 of august, we started filming and making some shots from the security´s cameras in the city, where we took some good ones for adding in the filming.
On twesday the 23d we were off day from school all day for filming. So first we woke up in the morning and started making some films on my valcony where we could see the traffic from the city and also we filmed everything that was happening in 30 minutes. We have made some good shots from the city, and also from the Police´s car passing near us in one ocation.
We had some problems with the battery, but was not a big deal, so the only thing that was perturbated was the streem cold. We had for our´s disposal one tripod and a very good camera from Ramiro´s brother (my brother) and also another camera.
We had almost 9 interviews from people that where in the streets walking, and also from one policeman who talked about his carreer. Also we have their names and surnames which is very important for the film to look more professional.
We had achieved all this in Ramiro´s computer (my computer) and we need to use anotherone, because of some difficulties we had with the discoordination from movement and sound, so we are sorting that problem out.
In the research we had being searching lots of videos from youtube, where people were insecure and also were robbed.
All we have done is the preparation for the raugh film edition which we are hoping to finish it yet.
Some of the interviews had been made in Ramiro´s house, and also in the garage from the building, also we habe one in the "plaza" and from mothers of young kids which had a talk about their security and of their childs.
On twesday the 23d we were off day from school all day for filming. So first we woke up in the morning and started making some films on my valcony where we could see the traffic from the city and also we filmed everything that was happening in 30 minutes. We have made some good shots from the city, and also from the Police´s car passing near us in one ocation.
We had some problems with the battery, but was not a big deal, so the only thing that was perturbated was the streem cold. We had for our´s disposal one tripod and a very good camera from Ramiro´s brother (my brother) and also another camera.
We had almost 9 interviews from people that where in the streets walking, and also from one policeman who talked about his carreer. Also we have their names and surnames which is very important for the film to look more professional.
We had achieved all this in Ramiro´s computer (my computer) and we need to use anotherone, because of some difficulties we had with the discoordination from movement and sound, so we are sorting that problem out.
In the research we had being searching lots of videos from youtube, where people were insecure and also were robbed.
All we have done is the preparation for the raugh film edition which we are hoping to finish it yet.
Some of the interviews had been made in Ramiro´s house, and also in the garage from the building, also we habe one in the "plaza" and from mothers of young kids which had a talk about their security and of their childs.
jueves, 18 de agosto de 2011
Super size me
1) Voice over of narrator. Showing b-roll of a subject. Name, occupation, titles on screen when first interviewed.
2) No, interviewed can respond as long as it is a clear statement.
3) Level shots: Camera on left/right/middle-variety of positions. Medium close-ups.
4) There are no movements from the camera, stays still. Only moves from one shot to other shot, in some cases, you may notice the editing.
5) They are looking to the other side of the camera, but sometimes they do face the camera.
6) Shot, no silence, concise.
7) He had to do lots of researches, for knowing exactly what to ask, from internet I think, also from magazines, and also by going by his own to MC Donald’s, and ask there.
lunes, 15 de agosto de 2011
Production Journal.
Today, 15 august, we have done some researchs for videos of robberies videos in youtube, but we havent got up to now a clear one which we are looking for. We havent found anything B-roll footage that we thought that was good filmed, or that was clear.
Locations have been done by Honorio and me, which we have it all clear, for visiting those places in the future, for making interviews and some shots which where thought by Santos.
I will have my camera prepared for an ocation where I can film the sky (for making some good effects in the filming) which is going to be edited by Honorio. This is going to be representing how time passes and its getting darker, and the process of the sky, how the clouds move.
Locations have been done by Honorio and me, which we have it all clear, for visiting those places in the future, for making interviews and some shots which where thought by Santos.
I will have my camera prepared for an ocation where I can film the sky (for making some good effects in the filming) which is going to be edited by Honorio. This is going to be representing how time passes and its getting darker, and the process of the sky, how the clouds move.
lunes, 8 de agosto de 2011
Tarantino´s script-
EXT. City Center- Morning
Alejo: You know, on a summer day a milkshake is the best thing there is to cool us down but I can´t find a good place which sells it don’t they know sellers could become millionaires if they added a milkshake to their menu??
Santiago: I don’t care having a normal icecream.
Alejo: You should care, they are two totally different things! You can have a milkshake at any time cause its faster to consume and the flavor is much better, you can also mix flavors at your preference and add cookies or toppings and drink it all mixed it up. Its like a subway sandwich but with icecreams.
Santiago: What about Mc Donald´s milkshake?
Alejo: I hate it, it tastes like plastic, I prefere a Dunkin Donuts Milkshake but they only have one flavor which is vanilla and they always mix it with coffee.
Santiago: Two tickets please?
Cashier: To where sir?
Santiago: The nearest stop.
Cashier: Next stop is Wallaby sir, the subway will be passing in 3 minutes so you better hurry.
Alejo: How much?
Cashier: 2.20 dollars.
(They pay with 5 dollars and go to the subway stop)
Cashier: Sir Don`t forget your change!
Alejo: It’s all yours.
Cashier: Thank you! Have a nice day!
Alejo and Santiago enter the subway and sit in the sits nearer the entrance.
Santiago: What time is it?
Alejo: 10.03
Santiago: Right in time
Alejo: We should get breakfast.
Santiago: I’m starving.
They live the suitcase in the subway and leave the station. The subway station explodes while they walk away to have breakfast, neither of them turns around.
Production Journal.
Confronting an inconvenience: Ramiro's cop's possible dissappearance.
Further solutions: -Honorio's cop?
-Immediate tries to contact the former cop
Furher Points to Cover: -More thorough research (still shots, newspaper articles, statistics, etc)
-Decision (final one/s) over the locations of shooting
NARRATOR= (should there be a voice-over or talent pushing the documentary forwards? Or just visual artifacts?)
Final Decision= At least a voice over, to give a more dynamic and interactive documentary flow.
Other Objective: START OF SHOOTING (During weekend or day of the week) - Specially artistic scenes.
Further solutions: -Honorio's cop?
-Immediate tries to contact the former cop
Furher Points to Cover: -More thorough research (still shots, newspaper articles, statistics, etc)
-Decision (final one/s) over the locations of shooting
NARRATOR= (should there be a voice-over or talent pushing the documentary forwards? Or just visual artifacts?)
Final Decision= At least a voice over, to give a more dynamic and interactive documentary flow.
Other Objective: START OF SHOOTING (During weekend or day of the week) - Specially artistic scenes.
jueves, 4 de agosto de 2011
Following the transcript of dialogue.
D) Who are these people and how does the film let us know?
i) They look like normal people; they have a deal and need shut guns for something we don’t know yet.
-Criminals gangster, dressed, earing, drug conversation.
ii) What we haven’t expected in this case, is the last part, where they say that they need shotguns for this deal.
-Topics of conversation, hamburgers, small talk, doesn’t fit with their costume, not planed related.
iii) They are talking about legal and illegal things, such as taking hash in other country, also about MC Donald’s in Paris.
-Criminal activity, their task, Tarantino, genre of crime,
iv) This would be, when they start talking about how many people are in the place, and that they need for this, shot guns.
-The task, guns, illegal activity they will carry out.
v)- When they had the discussion about MC Donald’s, character development-mood if characters, balance the violence or action of what happens next, questions, their professionalism, twisting conventions.
lunes, 1 de agosto de 2011
Quentin Tarantino
1) He mixes up features from the past and with the present. Also their dialogue are of extreme violence.
2) Tarantino learned from his craft days and video clerk days (he wasn´t a student).
3) It was critized, because the people said that it was kind of a copy from King Kong´s movie, City On Fire.
4) Crime and gangster films.
"God's Eye POV"
"God's Eye POV"

Is for showing in a dynamic way, what’s going on, and also it is for the viewer to have a look to the whole action.
“Close Ups on Lips”
This shot is for showing how sensual this woman can be. Also is a perfectly zoomed shot, which shows her expression with her lips.
“The Mirror Shot”

This shot is usually used when the characters are going crazy, or they are afraid, so this close-ups are very important in Tarantino`s movies.
6) For the mirror shot is very important to know that its purpose is to show how the character is feeling, and is some private moment from himself where he is the only one talking alone, and also in most cases, on this type of shots, we can see their facial expressions.

This shot is from Kill Bill: volume 2, and she is looking at her stomach, probably thinking if she is fat, or not.
a) A Mexican Standoff is when there is one shot showing two individual situations at once, with guns.
b) This term, comes from “The Good, the Bad and the Ugly” from Sergio Leone. This is one of the Quentin’s favorites from 1966.
c) Getting the Dosh
This is another example of a Mexican Standoff.
d) From the Tarantino`s:
"Reserviours Dogs"

In True Romance : Police vs. Mafia

a) A MacGuffin is literary one device that it is used frequently in stories, plays and films. It is usually an object that motivates the actions of characters, while having little actual meaning to the plot. In other words, it helps the movie going forward with a special motivation.
b) In the Pulp Fiction, when Vincent and Jules, they return to Marsellus, in here, the motivation for this action to happen is what the MacGuffin is.
lunes, 4 de julio de 2011
Moonlight productions.
I think that in this proyect, we are working really hard with efficience, because we had contacted to one police man, from my building, he is supposed to have a very wide idea from the insecurity in the streets and may help a lot for ower documental.
At the first of all, we thought about doing something related to the influence of alcohol and drugs in the tennagers, but this implies a lot of filming that may put someone in a bad situation in the society, so this was dangerous and may be too private. So MR Wise, advised us to this thing of insecurity in the streets.
In my case, I am the talent, because someone had to do it, and I think i may do it fair enough. So I am the one that always has to talk to the people, interviewing them and acting.
Also I will help some of the edditing, because is a difficult task and requires lots of time. Up to now, we are thinking about how to make the shots, also owr introduction is done. So In my opinion we are going well.
At the first of all, we thought about doing something related to the influence of alcohol and drugs in the tennagers, but this implies a lot of filming that may put someone in a bad situation in the society, so this was dangerous and may be too private. So MR Wise, advised us to this thing of insecurity in the streets.
In my case, I am the talent, because someone had to do it, and I think i may do it fair enough. So I am the one that always has to talk to the people, interviewing them and acting.
Also I will help some of the edditing, because is a difficult task and requires lots of time. Up to now, we are thinking about how to make the shots, also owr introduction is done. So In my opinion we are going well.
jueves, 30 de junio de 2011
capturing the friedmans.
1) I would need some background research on the topic, also get in contact with the polices that where in charge of studying this case, also contact some detectives for having more information, and is very important some photos from the family in the past to make some suspense and make the audience think about it. Some family films, from them, when they were young.
2). There’s no Non-dialectic sound so this shows that it’s real the interview. There’s a shot of an empty meeting room. With its explanation.There are shots from country court jury room, but with no one inside. This is another way of producing symbolic images. They used filming from the family, and this they did so for showing how was the family, if they where normal or strange people, the maker lived this to the audience criteria.
3) When someone talks they show the jury room, because it’s for the viewer to imagine this scene. This is because they don’t have the footage of what is going on. They show some pictures, with zoom in, old pictures. They showed representative shots of being in prison. Also they showed real news footages from the time this had happened. And films from the judges, and the lawyers, showing them in their offices, showing their professionalism. They also showed several shots of separation between dad and son, in sequence.
They used some diagetic sound at the end of the story for making some of hope and happiness to this horrible story, of where Jesse goes out from jail, and also by this, he finds her mother 30 years later from the sentence and by this, they had created some of emotional features for audience.
They did not have used one narrator, because they wanted to show lots of perspectives from the story, and all the truth that the ones who were interviewed had said. So the director leaves to the audience the choice to think what they wanted about this case, and have doubts, making one perfect suspense.
4) the ideas that the film-makers want the audience to have in mind is all the things that have come up to the truth, and all the facts which are in doubt, as for example one question I have from this story is: why the children did not yelled for help, because they feel pain at those circumstances, and also why no one had said nothing about it earlier, also why did the children had chosen that class for the year after. So everything is very confusing.
viernes, 24 de junio de 2011
Moonlight productions.
Espina: Writer, Cameraman.
Oleksuk: Editor.
Quilmes: alcohol, tobacco, drugs, teenagers…
What’s the story?
Through the streets of Quilmes, more and more teenagers of less age are abusing of illegal substances, illegal for their age, and illegal in a worldwide way.
Why we are doing it?
We chose this subject because we feel a part of it, and we experience or have contact with similar situations in a regular way. This concerns us, so we thought it would be a good idea to communicate the reality of what is actually happening, to inform a public about it. Also, we have accessibility to the subject, contacts we can talk to, interview, etc . Also, we have accesibility to reliable sources related to the theme.
How we’ll do it:
We’ll do this by trying to involve reality in our production to the greater extent as possible, to transmit a real and actual situation in a crude way, which impacts a public and transmits an effective idea emotionally.
lunes, 13 de junio de 2011
Villegas: Talent, Researcher.
Espina: Writer, Cameraman.
Oleksuk: Editor.
Quilmes : alcohol, tobacco, drugs, teenagers…
What’s the story?
Through the streets ofQuilmes , more and more teenagers of less age are abusing of illegal substances, illegal for their age, and illegal in a worldwide way.
Why we are doing it:
We chose this subject because we feel a part of it, and we experience or have contact with similar situations in a regular way. This concerns us, so we thought it would be a good idea to communicate the reality of what is actually happening, to inform a public about it. Also, we have accessibility to the subject, contacts we can talk to, interview, etc .
How we’ll do it
We’ll do this by trying to involve reality in our production to the greater extent as possible, to transmit a real and actual situation in a crude way, which impacts a public and transmits an effective idea emotionally.
Espina: Writer, Cameraman.
Oleksuk: Editor.
What’s the story?
Through the streets of
Why we are doing it:
We chose this subject because we feel a part of it, and we experience or have contact with similar situations in a regular way. This concerns us, so we thought it would be a good idea to communicate the reality of what is actually happening, to inform a public about it. Also, we have accessibility to the subject, contacts we can talk to, interview, etc .
How we’ll do it
We’ll do this by trying to involve reality in our production to the greater extent as possible, to transmit a real and actual situation in a crude way, which impacts a public and transmits an effective idea emotionally.
lunes, 30 de mayo de 2011
Eden Lake
At the beginning of the film, there is peace and happiness, because the main character, in this case, the girl, is a teacher from young kids. And they are very cute, and that day is Friday, so it’s the starting of weekends and his boyfriend waits for her on his car with a wedding ring. So as this first part passes, everything goes good, and they start their driving up to a little town in the outs of the city. When they are in the motorway, it turns all darkness and night, and here comes the hard part from the opening.
Eden Lake - Textual analysis; Monday 30th May
In this movie, the jump cut, takes you from one part different from the other one with the same shot being showed. So you may determine that you have lost some part of it and that maybe later in some part of the film it will be showned.
miércoles, 11 de mayo de 2011
Scream Opening
2. Black screen. Superimpose with special effects the title when the film begins.
3. Theres a close up shot to the phone ringing and the hand of the blondee girl getting the phone.
Theres INT.Girls House-Night
lunes, 11 de abril de 2011
Mise-En-Scene St Georges College
For the mise-en-scene task Carlos, Sabrina and I had to show though out a still or a series of shots how we felt about the school. The ideas of owr feelings when we see this image, as a symbol of knolegde and wisdom and also a very preety school. The prep school, before we maked this shot, we were thinking of anything else, but when we saw this image, we thought "whyt dont we do this" because we thought it was very beautifull and simbolic. So we made a scheme of our shot , with all the nature around it. Our shot is a long shot, this is better for capting all the building and also is middle angle shot.
domingo, 3 de abril de 2011
Mise-en-scene of the "Last Emperor"
This is a shot of the "Last Emperor" which clearly shows a long shot of many elegant and formal soldiers. The colours here are showing better the situation, for example the sky`s colour is grey, but a no normal grey for the sky in this situation, it seems to be the last day in the world, in other words, day of judgement. Also we can see the emperor at the middle of the shot, with gold colour, and that shows clearly his importance in the film, because it calls the attention. The soldiers are with a perfectly symmetrical looking forward to the temple. This shot is showing so much, that makes all the audience feel weak and small compared with it. The soldiers show respect and admiration, to in this case: The Emperor.
lunes, 28 de marzo de 2011
Summary of editing:
The filmmaking is involved with the combination and selection of the shots into sequences. This is a unique art in the cinema where the editor make the effect for the viewer, that is so engaged to the story that doesn’t realizes about what has been changed. This is called the "invisible art".
The film editor must know how to tell a story, be politically savvy when working with directors and studio executives, and have a calm and confident demeanor. Millions of dollars of film and the responsibility of guiding the picture through post-production and into theaters rest in the editor's hands. Scenes may have been photographed poorly and performances might have been less than inspired, but a skilled and creative editor can assemble the film so that the audience will never see these imperfections.
The film editor, working with the director, shaped the scene into its final form. After hours and hours of reviewing the unedited film, he created this one-minute scene.
Cuts and Transitions: Assembling the Scene
Editors select sounds and images from all the film that has been shot and arrange them to make the movie. They also plan how one shot will best transition to the next. There are dozens of possible transitions the editor can choose, each of which will create a different feeling.
Today most editors use computers or nonlinear digital editing systems to compile a film. The editor arranges the work print, and then creates an edit decision list that will be passed on to the negative matcher.
The film editor must know how to tell a story, be politically savvy when working with directors and studio executives, and have a calm and confident demeanor. Millions of dollars of film and the responsibility of guiding the picture through post-production and into theaters rest in the editor's hands. Scenes may have been photographed poorly and performances might have been less than inspired, but a skilled and creative editor can assemble the film so that the audience will never see these imperfections.
The film editor, working with the director, shaped the scene into its final form. After hours and hours of reviewing the unedited film, he created this one-minute scene.
Cuts and Transitions: Assembling the Scene
Editors select sounds and images from all the film that has been shot and arrange them to make the movie. They also plan how one shot will best transition to the next. There are dozens of possible transitions the editor can choose, each of which will create a different feeling.
Editing often begins as soon as film has been shot. Early scenes are assembled for the producer and director to view. Occasionally, the actors will also view these early scenes.
The first cut of a film, called a "rough cut," takes up to three months to complete. The Sometimes the editor works alone, sometimes with the director. The sound designer and music composer join them for the final cut.Today most editors use computers or nonlinear digital editing systems to compile a film. The editor arranges the work print, and then creates an edit decision list that will be passed on to the negative matcher.
Things that have to be considered in the world of editing:
· Edit and paginate News, Business and Local sections including and special sections.
· Create headlines, subheads and photo captions for local, national and syndicated stories.
· Preview and review concerts of local and national significance.
· Cover what don’t have to be seen.
jueves, 17 de marzo de 2011
In the world of making a movie
In the world of making a movie:
Director: He has the role on facing problems every day and also he needs new ideas everyday.
Producer: He is the one that pays the money for the film, actors etc.
Scriptwriter: In this film, the scriptwriter is hurt, so he needs a typewriter. He is the one that has to change the story if it is needed, and also the script.
Actor: She is uncomfortable with what she has to do in the film at the beginning, so she wants to quit. Then, the actors have script conferences.
Cinematographer: He is the one in charge on changing the stages for the different situations in the film, for example the rain, and the lighting effects for making some romance.
Sound: The sound has the role to adapt music to situations, when there is tension there is a more tense music, when there is romance the music is slower and nice, and also plays with the sound of the rain, which have a good effect con it.
Assistant director: He is the one that do everything for the director to be comfortable and also take orders all the time.
lunes, 14 de marzo de 2011
I think that what we did successfully was that in every picture, we didn’t lose the vision of the backstage and also the sequence of the photos.
The difficulties where that this was a very wide theme and few shots provided. Also it was difficult to choose a good scenery for the hope, because after that, there should have to be a history. In our shots, we started at the sanatory and finished at the church.
This shots where demonstrations of suffer, and some type of angel, could be said, how helped him to trust and have hope with his problem. And here the hope was based on god, but it seemed to be something without any other escape.
I think we made a good job for the idea of creating that type of acting in the twelve shots.
They chose a very dark place and away from everything. On this occasion, an underground train station. At the beginning of the film there is a voiceover, when the character gets on the train.
When the passenger gets into the train, he meets another passenger, which makes cross connection just looking at each other.
The train moves at a high speed and when they arrive to the next arrive, lots of very strange men with tattoos all over his body and many piercings in the head arrive and the first thing they do is call the attention of the passenger who was reading the news paper by painting it with a black spry.
The background music has voices saying things in other language, but it seems to be diabolic things.
In this film there are always eye contacts between the characters, not a dialogue. There is always tension, for the background music, the train is moving too fast and the men staring at them fixed.
In one moment of some much tension, because of the wired men, the phone starts to ring and he can´t turn it off. The sound of the ringing is very loud and classic for phones. (This shows signs of fear.) At the same time, the other strange persons where starring at him with a bad face and very impatient.
At the next stop, what happens is that those who were first of all in the train make a face signal to jump off the train and started running off the train at the same time. The music sound at that time was very rusher and also the strangers wanted to catch them, but they could go out from the train before they could catch them. When they finally manage to escape, the strangers from the other side of the window did bad faces and hit the window, and the survivors of this bad experience start to scream of happiness.
When the passenger gets into the train, he meets another passenger, which makes cross connection just looking at each other.
The train moves at a high speed and when they arrive to the next arrive, lots of very strange men with tattoos all over his body and many piercings in the head arrive and the first thing they do is call the attention of the passenger who was reading the news paper by painting it with a black spry.
The background music has voices saying things in other language, but it seems to be diabolic things.
In this film there are always eye contacts between the characters, not a dialogue. There is always tension, for the background music, the train is moving too fast and the men staring at them fixed.
In one moment of some much tension, because of the wired men, the phone starts to ring and he can´t turn it off. The sound of the ringing is very loud and classic for phones. (This shows signs of fear.) At the same time, the other strange persons where starring at him with a bad face and very impatient.
At the next stop, what happens is that those who were first of all in the train make a face signal to jump off the train and started running off the train at the same time. The music sound at that time was very rusher and also the strangers wanted to catch them, but they could go out from the train before they could catch them. When they finally manage to escape, the strangers from the other side of the window did bad faces and hit the window, and the survivors of this bad experience start to scream of happiness.
From this films I conclude that what the movie tries to express is that with only expressions and different looks, without any dialogue there can be a story with a beginning and also an end. With the help of just music backgrounds, a good scenery for the ocation and also very good actors. Also I think that the connection with the glossary was something really smart, for them to more or less to know from what side their were.
Ramiro Villegas.
domingo, 13 de marzo de 2011
1) Find two images for French impressionist paintings.
Give brief caption with name, artist, date. Explain briefly the important characteristics of French Impressionism.


The French impressions have to do with the light reflections, also with the art movement, that can be seen in Monet´s painting. Also the human interception of what they see in the picture and unusual visual angles.
2) Three outside factors that influenced the rise of French Impressionist cinema?
Explain in your own words.
When WW1 had finished, there was an economic decrease in almost all over the world, because of the war, so the French impressionists in cinema had to be more successful in their job, and had to come up with lots of new ideas. For recovering economically.
Other factor was the improve in modern cinema, which was very powerful in Europe, because this brought lots of new ideas and techniques in filming and also in styles and editing for that time.
3) Describe three or more important technical aspects of French Impressionist Cinema (i.e. use of camera, editing, sets, lighting, narrative, etc.)
The angles where more varied, as for example: Low angle shot, and High angle shot. The Low one, gives power to the character and the High one, makes him look weak.
Editing was also used very much for making flashbacks or shadows in some occasions.
4) Find information on two important film directors in French Impressionist Cinema from 1918-1929: name, photo, major films, interests or concerns shown in films.
Born | 25 October 1889 Paris, France |
Died | 10 November 1981 (aged 92) Paris, France |
Jean Renoir | |
Born | 15 September 1894 Paris, France |
Died | |
Occupation | Actor, director, screenwriter, producer, author |
Years active | 1924–1978 |
Spouse | Catherine Hessling (1920–1930) Dido Freire (1944–1979) |
Grand Illusion was one of his greatest films.
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