lunes, 5 de marzo de 2012


We have discussed with Ernesto, that we should do this documentary about the different type of crimes in private neighbourhoods, or sports in it. We both like Football, and we play there, so that could be a good decision. Also we discussed about making some food documentary, about services inside this ¨Country’s¨. One of this two Country´s is in Pilar, in the North part of Buenos Aires, and the other Country is in the South part, near the school. The one in the North is called ¨Martindale¨ and the one in the south is called ¨Abril¨. In this two Country´s we have really nice places to film, and make some good effects with it.

miércoles, 23 de noviembre de 2011

Film Noir Opening Scene Script By: Ramiro Villegas & Tomas Wetzel

(Private detective in his office (black overcoat, black suit, EVERYTHING BLACK AND GREY)

(Walks over to cigar box and pulls one out, starts to smell it ect.)

(When about to light it, secretary comes in saying that there is a woman that wants to see him...)

Setting: Downtown Chicago.

Secretary:  Max, you have a visitor...

Max: Well let her through darling.

Juliet: (walks to the door, and lets the person through the door) Good morning, Detective.

Max: how do you do, my lady

Juliet: im in troubled moments

Max: Well tell me darling, my services are available to for your needs.

Juliet: Well, .... (She seems nervous or trying to think something up.) im in a bit of heat, you see last week I went out one day

viernes, 21 de octubre de 2011

Brad Pitt and MM

By one hand the Marlboro Man, is alone but not lonely man which lives in a peaceful place working hard. He is a cowboy from the old fashion mode. He has no worries and at the same times a really good style of life and very attractive one. By the other hand, we have a really different character from the most modern world which is not alone, he take pictures and have fun with girls. He is cool in other words. Both of them are selling something good for fashion, mostly in young children, this is very convincing for the young people because they want to be like him and this influences very much in their lives. They sell this things in a really different way, Brad is taunting the other man by taking photos with the beautiful girl and makes him be stronger in the same way which the Marlboro man shows power, but doing different things with different points of view in life.
In the Se7en movie, from the scene we have just seen, where they are starting to have a better relation or maybe to know more about each other, Brad Pitt when he enters into his house, he goes first to hug his dogs and play with them as if they where part of his family. So this gives him a better good looking in the sense of good man.

lunes, 17 de octubre de 2011


The genre in this film has many topics which include: "a mix of taut thriller, engaging mystery, and gruesome horror show”.
In the elements of horror, there can be included the mystery, and the deaths of the people. For example in the first crime, which was on Monday, the first victim was a fat guy which was forced to eat until his stomach bursts. This is a good example where the disgusting and scary part comes. We do not see the act, but we can imagine it through the crime scene and what the characters say.

jueves, 13 de octubre de 2011

Production Journal. Moonlight Productions..

In the documental we had to make many changes to get to our final project. We had included three B.Rolls, which where gotten from youtube. For making this action, I had to download a specific program which only works in Moxila Firefox. This program is called Download Helper, which is for downloading videos or music from the internet without problems and this was very helpful for us. So once we had this videos downloaded, I send all of those to Honorio for adding them into the final project. From the other side, Santos had done all the subtitles in English and in Spanish, and Honorio had plotted everything in and also had added its names. Before all this, we had also analyzed every single part of the video, for making good corrections, we adjusted the sound, added one non-copyright song which is a very good one for the case, because creates mystery and an atmosphere of darkness.  
We have to make some more changes, because we noticed that there is one b roll included which is very long at the beginning.

lunes, 3 de octubre de 2011

Noir convention in se7en

Noir elements of opening:
-colorless (dark ambient/atmosphere had been created, because of the urban/city decay) Lighting contrast.
-Part of police office (Building) Dutch long shot angle
-The crimes where situated in the city, where very satanic and also had to do with the literature.
-There was digestive sound, and they convey to the situations. The sound is always creating a sense of mystery and also in the movie, is always in the night or dark places. Most of the times, it is raining.
-The appearance of the paparazzis, people who investigate the case in addition to them.
-The movie has good effects, as for example when the character puts his glasses on, the view changes, this gives the viewer a sense of being the the character and getting in more involved in his role.

lunes, 12 de septiembre de 2011

Textual analysis - Pulp Fiction

Blog of notes:
  • narrative

  • genre

  • presentation of characters

  • camera angles, shots and movement

  • editing and sequencing

  • lighting, shade and colour

  • sound

  • location and set design

  • genre conventions

  • target audience of the film

  • In the narrative, there had been uses of drugs, and also this gets more involved in with the private life of the main character.
    the characters are outcast from the society, because they are non-normal people.
    Extremme close ups,when they want to show the facial expressions from the drug´s effect. Theres also slow motion from his face being smiling.
    The music is a good component to the situation, overall in the last shot when the character is smiling.
    Theres a good effect of light, when the character is being affected, also when he buys the drugs, both of them are perfectly lighted.
    They are in the poor society, because of the things they sell, also the other characters, with the pirciengs and all that, they show what kind of person´s they are.

    Task 2:
    Convenctions¨ Gangster/crime films are usually set in large, crowded cities, to provide a view of the secret world of the criminal: dark nightclubs or streets with lurid neon signs, fast cars, piles of cash, sleazy bars, contraband, seedy living quarters or rooming houses.¨ This is one of the rules that the convenctions should follow, and in this case, it does, because there are gangsters in this film, also dark night clubs, drugs and crimes, the sell of illegal stuf, like drugs.